Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lesson 04

   Well this past week in my Family Relations class was really interesting. We talked about gender roles, and same sex attraction.
   Gender roles, I think that it is good for women to further their education, but not as long as it takes the importance over family. If the women doesn’t have a family to care for yet then i say go for it and get all the education you can. I think that men should definitely further their education so that they may be able to provide for their family.
   Same sex attraction, is something that is talked about very often. In class we talked how some people say “I was born this way”. I disagree that people can be born gay. As we talked about in class, kids (boys, for example) are teased about having feminine qualities like playing with girls, and kindness and loving and they get teased and made fun of for this, but who else are loving caring men? Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Along with this in my opinion, I know that God has a plan for us, The Plan of Salvation, and He wouldn’t make someone “born like this” it’s just not in His plan.

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