Friday, October 26, 2012

Lesson 06

    So this past week in my family relations class was again also interesting. Our discussions circled around getting married and the adjustments of being a newlywed and the baby blues. Our discussion today (Friday) was the most interesting to me because we learned that after the first baby is born most couples marital satisfaction decreases and does so with each child. I found that interesting. But things we can do to change that is simple it’s to INVOLVE HUSBAND!! 
    When babies are born into a family the mom and child usually go off and have their own bonding experiences and the husband feels kinda left out and forgotten about, so it is good for the couple to still go on dates together (don't always have to spend money!) and talk and have the dad be involved in the infants life then and now. It’s even a great idea to involve the husband during the pregnancy like going to check ups together and when the baby kicks, show him and explain to him how it feels so that he can feel involved and your marital satisfaction won’t decrease but be stable through out all of these experiences and increase. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lesson 05

    This past week in family relations: we talked a lot about courtship (dating) and selecting a spouse. I really found it all interesting and fun to read about.
    We also talked a lot bout cohabitation and all the effects it has a relationship and marriage. Some of the things I found interesting in the book were, “Married couples have a better-quality relationship than do cohabiting couples” (Lauer, 2012), and “Rates of violence are higher among cohabiting couples; a woman is nine times more likely to be killed by a partner in a cohabiting than in a married relationship” (Lauer, 2012). These were just a few of the many things that I found interesting about the negatives to cohabiting vs. marriage and all of the affects it has on a marriage.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lesson 04

   Well this past week in my Family Relations class was really interesting. We talked about gender roles, and same sex attraction.
   Gender roles, I think that it is good for women to further their education, but not as long as it takes the importance over family. If the women doesn’t have a family to care for yet then i say go for it and get all the education you can. I think that men should definitely further their education so that they may be able to provide for their family.
   Same sex attraction, is something that is talked about very often. In class we talked how some people say “I was born this way”. I disagree that people can be born gay. As we talked about in class, kids (boys, for example) are teased about having feminine qualities like playing with girls, and kindness and loving and they get teased and made fun of for this, but who else are loving caring men? Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Along with this in my opinion, I know that God has a plan for us, The Plan of Salvation, and He wouldn’t make someone “born like this” it’s just not in His plan.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lesson 03

This past week in my family relations class we talked about the social class in America and we watched some videos of lower, middle and upper class people and just saw some of the differences that vary from each one. Some of the videos showed how these certain people lived and how they viewed themselves and how they interacted and felt about their family. I think that even if you are not the wealthiest person alive, family is still number one and should come before worldly things. By putting our family before ourselves we are following the Lords commandments and what He has taught us.