Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lesson 02

This past week in my family relations class we learned about Family system theories. We also talked about unspoken family rules that we have in our families. This was hard for me to think of some but one that I did think of was like for example if I am talking on the phone with a family member, when we are saying bye we always tell each other I love you. When we are walking out the door we kiss the other persons cheek and tell one another I love you. This is something that we have never talked about but have always done and this is something I want to do with my family.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lesson 01

This past week in Family Relations was pretty interesting. We talked about the family and 9 things that are affecting marriages and families. 1.- people are waiting longer to marry, 2.- Cohabitation is increasing, 3.- there are fewer children; birth rates are decreasing (about 1/2), 4.- non-marital births are increasing, 5.- Employed mothers, 6.- household size is decreasing, 7.- divorce rates increasing, 8.- living alone increasing, 9.- sex is increasing. I found this all really interesting.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 1

Well I just finished my first week in my Family Relations class. And I am actually really excited to start to learning about families and how it will help me with my life now and my future family. Here’s to a BOMB semester!!